Eye Care: Daily Home Remedies | आंखों को खराब होने से बचाना है तो रोज़ करे ये उपाय | Boldsky

2018-07-07 52

Our eyes are the most important of all the facial features. They are what instantly attract the attention of others. So, it is important to take a good care of our eyes, in order to look good from the outside. Our eyes are the most important sensory organ, from which we perceive the world around us. Why not serve them back by pampering them a little? If you are battling with eye issues such as tired eyes, under-eye bags or puffiness, it is important you address these issues right away.

आंखों को निरोगी रखने के लिये विटामिन ए, बी, सी एंव डी विशेष लाभकारी होते हैं। आपको दिन में दो फल और खूब सारी हरी सब्‍जियां तो खानी ही चाहिये क्‍योंकि इसमें आवश्‍यक विटामिन एवं खनिज लवण भारी मात्रा में पाये जाते हैं।

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